General – Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship

BSSC is committed to maintaining a pleasant, comfortable, and safe recreational environment and therefore expects its participants to adhere to a code of conduct with respect to other participants, spectators, BSSC staff, game officials, agents carrying out services, and others. These requirements include, but are not limited to:
• Abiding by the rules and policies of all games, activities, venues and transportation providers.
• Maintaining high standards of sportsmanship, honesty and courtesy, including hand-shaking, or similar, with opponents after games.
• Respecting the instruction and decisions of game officials, activity coordinators and third party agents and interacting politely with them at all times.

BSSC also stands united behind the principles of respect, inclusion, and acceptance. We welcome and are committed to providing a fun and safe environment for all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, color, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, veteran status or national origin. Our rules, despite gender requirements or game-play, are inclusive of all sexualities and gender identities and expressions, and we encourage you to identify in our leagues and activities as you prefer. If you should have any concerns or needs, please email your program manager (listed on each activity web page) for assistance.

The following are examples of unacceptable conduct in BSSC activities:
• Illegal activity
• Threatening, intimidating, harassing or violent verbal or physical behaviors
• Excessive, inappropriate, rude, argumentative, offensive or disruptive actions and/or profanity
• Excessive drinking or disorderly conduct
• Disregard of the rules of the facility or transportation provider (i.e. cleanliness, respectful communications with representatives and other patrons)
• Any other behavior, which in the sole discretion of BSSC, the game official, tour escort and/or agents carrying out services, is deemed to be in any way inappropriate

Any person, group or team considered to be in violation of this code of conduct can be immediately removed from the game or activity, requiring the participant(s) to leave the playing area and/or event venue in a timely fashion, and they will be subject to any or all of the following disciplinary actions, in each instance without refund of any kind:
• Verbal warning
• Written warning
• Suspension
• Expulsion from league or activity
• Ban from further BSSC activities